Volunteer Meetings

Next Volunteer Meeting

Next volunteer meeting will be held on July 16 2006 from 3 to 5 pm.

Meeting minutes are located in the files section in VibhaAtl yahoogroup.

The Vibha volunteers in Atlanta meet on a monthly basis, typically on the first Sunday of each month at the Global Mall, for discussions on the projects that Vibha supports and planning for local fundraising events. The meetings are informal, relaxed and very friendly. Many of the volunteers who are with Vibha today just decided to show up at a meeting. As volunteers are fond of saying, 'Change a child's life and see it change your own!' We hope to see you at the next meeting!

Directions to the Venue (GLOBAL MALL):

Directions to the Venue Going I-85 North exit Jimmy Carter Blvd (#99). Turn left. Cross I-85 and Global Mall is on your right. If you miss the first entrance, go to the next traffic light and turn right to enter. We meet in the Food Court area on the 2nd floor.
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