Make a donation

Please act today


Print and mail this document to make either a monthly or an one-time contribution.

Or call us toll-free at 877-233-3222.


If you had a chance to provide for a decent meal for a child, a place for a young girl to learn, a health shot for a little boy to prevent an infectious disease, wouldn't you? And all that it takes is about 50 cents a day! Please HELP THEM GROW. We believe you will. So do millions of children in India who look up to people like you so that they have a chance at a brighter future. 


Use HELP THEM GROW, Vibha's Automatic Donation Program to donate an amount of your choice from your account each month. Vibha directs your funds to programs run by social workers in tribal, rural and urban communities all over India. It is an easy and convenient way for you to bring hope into the lives of needy children. And you can elect to stop at any time you want. And because of thoughtful and caring people like you thousands of children will have a brighter future. 


A monthly contribution of $15 funds education for 12 children for the month. $25 funds education and healthcare for 12 children for the month. $50 funds a Balwari (non-formal education) for the month. $75 funds 12 mentally and physically challenged children for the month.  Imagine the possibilities. Together, if we dream a little...we can do a little. Please act today!


There are 3 million children all over India for whom the street is their home. 15 million children work as bonded laborers. 1 out of 2, yes that is right..50%, children of age 6-14 years have no access to primary education. Over a 100 million children in India, between 6 and 14 years of age, are outside the school system and are therefore highly likely to be child laborers. Yes the numbers are daunting. But, you have the power to make a difference by acting today. Print and mail this document to make either a monthly or an one-time contribution. Or call us toll-free at 877-233-3222.



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